Fish and Wildlife
Nespelem (509) 634-2110
Omak (509) 422-7529
Mission Statement: The Fish and Wildlife Department’s overall goal is to maintain and protect viable populations of native and desired non-native species of fish and wildlife, and their supporting habitats while providing sufficient numbers to meet the cultural, subsistence, recreational, and economic needs of the tribal membership.
Regulations & PermitS Link
Salmon & People Video | Video Treaty Talks | Sustainable Fish Video | The Friendliest Catch | Bighorn Sheep | Chief Joseph Hatchery | Fish Passage and Reintroduction Phase 1 Report | Salmon Reintroduction | Pronghorn
News | Quarterly Newsletters | Climate Change
Wildlife Division
Wildlife Home page | Bear | Cougars | Gray Wolf | Bighorn Sheep | Canada Lynx
Anadromous Fish Division
Anadromous Home Page | Bonneville (BPA) | Chief Joseph Hatchery | Program | Activities | Annual Program Review | Reports | Contacts
Research, Monitoring & Evaluation
OBMEP | Steelhead Broodstock | UC Spring Chinook | Sockeye Tagging | Stream-Net Project | Reports
Property Overview | Bonneville | Aeneas Creek | Crowder Road | Loup Loup Diversion | Ninemile East | Ninemile North 1 | Lower Salmon Creek | Reservation Line | Pharr Road | Shell Rock Point | Lower Aeneas Creek | Bridgeport Hatchery | Omak Dutch Anderson | Programmatic Plan
Resident Fisheries Division
Resident Home Page | Trout Hatchery | Rufus Woods Lake | General Stocking Activities | Tag Reports | Report a Tagged Fish | Common Questions | Northern Pike
Climate Change
Events & News | Effects to Us | Videos | Kids
Fish Passage
Fish Passage Page | Fish History | Salmon Reintroduction | Columbia River Treaty | Columbia River system operations EIS | Phase 1 report | Columbia River Fish Accords | Supporting Resolutions
PO Box 150 Nespelem, WA 99155
Nespelem Office: 509.634.2110
Omak Office: 509.422.7529
Office hours: Monday -Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Chief Joseph Hatchery
38 Half Sun Way, Bridgeport, WA 98813
Office: 509.686.0234
Colville Tribal Resident Fish Hatchery
79 Tribal Hatchery Rd., Bridgeport, WA 98813
Office: 509.686.9330
***If you have a complaint regarding illegal hunting or fishing, please contact Police Dispatch at 509.634.2472 or 800.551.5800