Jelly Bean Day is celebrated on April 22nd each year. On this day, give in to temptation and grab a handful (or two) of jelly beans. Fun fact, the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, enjoyed jelly beans so much that they were present at his inauguration.
History of Jelly Bean Day
Jelly Beans were popularized during the civil war by Boston confectioner William Schrafft. He sold them by the pound and sent them to Union soldiers in theatre. By the 1930s, jelly beans had become a popular treat throughout the United States and were often used to celebrate Easter due to their egg-like shape.
In 1981, the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, declared April 22nd National Jelly Bean Day. This was due to his love of the treat and his fondness for them being present at his inauguration. Reagan even kept a jar of jelly beans on his desk in the Oval Office.